On this page is the list of our investment and HYIP scripts. For every new investment script we will develop, we will display it here.
Do note that all are script the modifiable, so if you need modifications we can actually do it for you, although it may come with a different price.
All our Investment script was built to fill the gap between traders and investors. These scripts can be used as a high-yield investment program (HYIP) or otherwise.
We created most of these scripts uniquely from most other investment software.
On this script the can admin create unlimited investment plans (aka stocks). Allowing the investors to choose which to invest in.
Each of the investment plans can controlled separately, and the investor can invest in multiple plans.
For instance, the administrator who may be a big-time investor in different markets, can create plans in Oil and Gas, brewery, solid minerals, etc.
If you are into forex trading or crypto trading and you want people to invest with you for a daily fixed interest rate, then our investment script will also be a perfect idea. You simply create plans on different sections of your trading, eg forex, crypto, etc.
The Alpha Shares Bitcoin investment script source code supports all gateways, simply enter the gateway name, the wallet adderss, and save. You can also use other payment platforms like PayPal, Perfect Money, Mobile Money, etc.
It is a platform where people can come and invest their BTC, ETH, Perfect Money, Mobile Money, etc, and get daily returns. At the end of the investment period, the investor can withdraw their fund or reinvest.
The script is a wallet on its own, which means the investors can choose to store the crypto at the current exchange rate. Every money stored on the script will not be exposed to the fluctuations of Bitcoin or other cryptos, as it is stored in USD and other currencies.
Some Features of Our Investment Script
- A referral system that will encourage investors. Every investor has a unique referral link from which if new users register, the referral will receive a commission which will require admin confirmation.
- Every investor can see the list of people they referred and those who registered via their link.
- Ticketing system between the admin and user
- The script supports deposits via unlimited types of wallets and payment gateways.
- Fully mobile responsive with an amazing interface on the user and admin dashboard.
- Free attractive front-end design with pre-built pages.
- Easy user registration, the script comes with a very simple registration form that won’t stress the users, email is received by the investor automatically after registration.
- (Optional) registration must await admin verification. This gives the admin the privilege to manually verify each user to avoid spamming.
- Unlimited investment plans, which can be fully customized by the admin, based on the daily percentage returns and total investment period.
- Investment can be paused based on particular users.
- Admin can cancel any investor’s investment if he so wishes to.
- Admin can manually credit or debit the investors’ wallet balance.
- Investors update their wallet addresses.
- Investors can choose to store their money on the platform in the United States Dollar, in other not to be affected by the fluctuations in the crypto world.
- Investors can choose to withdraw their money straight into their wallets without any delay. It’s only for the admin to approve of it.
- The admin can set a minimum amount that can be withdrawn by the investors.
- Before a withdrawal can take place the Investors must be verified to withdraw by the admin. By default, the Investor will have to upload a means of identification.
- Better optional security with 2fa, integrated with Google Authenticator.
- QR Code for an easy deposit from a mobile phone code scanner.
- Unlimited users, there is no limit to the number of users this script can accommodate.
- User to admin messaging window and vice versa.
- Full mailer, we integrated a complete mailer into this script. Which the admin can use to email users and non-users. In fact, it can be used for digital marketing.
- Live Chat, which is necessary for this script to enable the investors to have an immediate one-on-one conversation with the admin.
Alpha Shares Investment Script (2024)
The Alpha Shares investment script was developed in 2024, and it has undergone several level of update. If you are looking for an investment script with solid security, then this script will be a game changer.
Shares & Stock Investment Script (2023)
The shares and stock investment script is a stylish web application that has all the necessary features of a high-yield investment platform.
To get more information, simply chat with us on WhatsApp or give us a direct call on +2348035606050.
We also accept payment in Bitcoin and PayPal

Call us to request our Bitcoin wallet address or PayPal.
We can also help in the installation and further customization.
CALL: +2348035606050 WHATSAPP: +2348035606050 |
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