
HomePHP ScriptsAlpha Shares Investment Script – Built with PHP

Alpha Shares Investment Script – Built with PHP


A dynamic online investment script that allows users to invest their assets by buying shares, stock, or assets in a company. The script comes with unlimited payment gateways and unlimited investment plans.

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The script comes with an installation guide video on request.

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We have observed lots of online investment scripts, but not all are able to meet the full demands of those who run investment platforms and companies.

We decided to develop an investment script which we named Alpha Shares Investment Script.

Just as the name implies, if a website is built with this script, the admin of the site can create an unlimited number of investment plans, giving them different names.

For each investment plan, the admin will choose a category and subcategory. The categories and subcategories are created separately.

By default, the script already has the following categories; Shares, Stocks, Crypto, Storage, Forex, and Metals. The subcategories are; Oil industryBanking Sector, ICT, Real Estate, Health, and Brewing.

The categories are more like the investment type, while the subcategories can be the industry or sector of the investment plan.

For instance, if your company is investing in Coca-Cola shares, it can create an investment plan called, “Coca-Cola“, under the category of Shares, and subcategory of Brewing.

The demo will explain better.

For each investment plan created,  a daily percentage profit is added it.

Investors are allowed to invest in multiple investment plans. Once they invest for any plan, the sum invested will be deducted from their available balance, and their daily profits will be added accordingly. If they invest in multiple plans, they will get a cumulative daily profit.

The admin can also create unlimited payment methods which the investors can use to make deposits. Deposit confirmation and approval are made manual for easy management, security, and documentation.

To add a deposit type all the admin needs to do is to click on add payment, and then enter the payment type, address, and logo.

For instance, if you want Bitcoin as an investor deposit method, for the payment type you should enter Bitcoin, also enter your Bitcoin wallet address and the Bitcoin logo. For banks, they simply enter the bank name and account number.

During deposit, the user only has to pay with any of the payment options created by the admin, and then upload a proof of payment. The admin will see this in his admin panel.

The admin will then have to verify if the deposit is actually made, if Yes, then the admin will click on verify.

At the click of the verify button, the deposited sum will be credited to your user balance, which can either be withdrawn or invested.

For withdrawal, an investor can withdraw only when they have reached the minimum withdrawable which can be set by the admin. On default, the minimum withdrawable amount is $200.

Not just the minimum withdrawable amount, the investor also has to upload an identity card, which must be approved by the admin, before they can seek withdrawal.

After the investor places a withdrawal an email will be sent to the user’s email. The withdrawal request will be seen on the admin dashboard.

The admin will have to manually credit the users with the sum, once the withdrawal is approved, the users also get an email confirmation.

If a user tries to withdraw a sum greater than their available balance the software will give them a notification.
Full features of the Shares and stock investment Script V1.0

Features of Alpha Shares Investment Script

  • The script supports deposits of any kind, be it Bitcoin, Ethereum, Mobile Money, Perfect Money, infact the deposit methods are unlimited.
  • The site is 100% mobile responsive with an amazing user and admin interface.
  • Free attractive comes with multiple pre-built pages, with amazing design, and widgets.
  • Users’ registration is easy and straightforward, users receive an auto email after registration.
  • Every registration has to await admin verification. This help gives the admin privilege to manually verify each user to avoid spammy registration.
  • Admin has a unique URL. After uploading the script to your server, you can as well rename the admin folder to any name of your choice. This is a good step to prevent hackers from knowing the link to run negative attacks.
  • The admin can create unlimited investment plans, giving each different values, and daily accumulative interest.
  • The admin can pause each of the investment plans.
  • Admin can cancel any investor’s investment if he so wishes to.
  • Investors update their Ethereum wallet address, USDT wallet address, Bitcoin wallet etc., anytime time they wish to.
  • Option of 2-factor authenticator (2fa) for every user.
  • Users can choose to save their money on the platform in the United States Dollar, in other not to be affected by the fluctuations in the crypto world.
  • Investors can choose to withdraw their money directly into their wallets without any delay. It’s only for the admin to approve it.
  • Before a withdrawal can take place each user must be verified to withdraw by the admin. The Investor will have to submit a means of identification to be verified for withdrawal
  • Every investor has a unique link and if new users register with the link they will receive a commission.
  • Every investor can see the list of people they referred and those that registered via their link.
  • Unlimited number of investors, there is no limit to the number of investors that can invest on the platform.
  • Users can message the admin via the messaging window and vice versa.
  • Live Chat system to enable the investors to have an immediate conversation with the admin.

This script is still open for further customization if you need some special features added to your copy of the script that will not be an issue, as long as you can meet the requirements.

Special features in Alpha Shares & Stock Investment Script VIP

These features are upcoming and will be available on request for a higher price.

  1. Recaptcha on login
  2. Tax charges
  3. Monthly fees
  4. Admin received an email on every deposit or withdrawal request
  5. Users can be suspended by the admin for reasons, they will have to pay a fine before they can gain full access back.

The architecture of the special features has been fully designed, we will only develop the VIP version on request.

Who Needs the Alpha Shares Investment Script Software

  1. Investment companies
  2. Web developers
  3. Students on investment related project
  4. Stock and crypto traders
  5. Contribution agencies

Alpha SharesInvestment Script Details

Script Name Alpha Shares Investment (the name will be necessary if you want to purchase this script manually)
The script comes with a readme file that explains how to install it, and also has all logins and links.
Languages HTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and Bootstrap
Contains 4,304 files
Download Type Zip file
PHP Version 8.2
Download Size 49MB zip file
Status Tested and working perfectly online and offline

Chat The Developer Browse Demo Script Details


Using our script you will be 100% responsible for your web security. We have done our best to make sure this script is highly secured, but we do not give any guarantee. And as well we will not be linked to any loss or damage you may encounter while using this script.

We do not guarantee that our scripts are not hackable, if you are using our script you will be responsible for your cybersecurity.

Our scripts are built for educational and research purposes, we do not support using them for illegal or illegitimate purposes, using it is fully at your own risk.


On your cPanel/server it is advisable to activate 2FA for a better security. Once a hacker is able to hack into your server they will have full access to every script and database on it.

The most sensitive thing on most scripts are the wallet addresses and payment gateways (if any). We strongly advise you create a user account where you will monitor the wallet addresses and other thing your site users are seeing on their end. This will help you easily detect most abnormalities that may occur on your site.


Anytime you want to make an edit to the code always remember to take a full backup of the file and database, so you will have something to fall back on if you encounter issues.

Always use a hosting package that provides automated backup of your file on daily or/and weekly bases as the case may be. This will help you to always restore your site to its previous state if need be.


While purchasing a domain, that's if you choose to take your site online, it is always advisable to buy a domain name that is not similar to an existing name on the internet, to prevent your site to be seen as deceptive.

Additional information


HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and CSS



PHP Version

PHP 7.1, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4

File Size

25mb .zip file

Mobile responsive

Full mobile responsiveness on all part of the script.


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